Sulwhasoo 雪花秀 新產品 Everfine Lifting Cream 全能面霜-50ml-


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Sulwhasoo 雪花秀 新產品 Everfine Lifting Cream 全能面霜-50ml- 可店舖取貨

Sulwhasoo 雪花秀 新產品 Everefine Lifting Cream 全能面霜 50ml

全能固本面霜是專為成熟女性肌膚研製的一款面霜,成熟女性肌膚最容易出 現 暗斑面色晦暗,皮膚鬆弛無光澤 皺紋和老化跡象,這款韓方全能固本面霜 能有效的預防更年期階段易產生的肌膚問題。面霜營養成分能深入到皮膚底層滋養肌膚 使皮膚活躍白皙水潤飽滿的盡顯年輕態



女性更年期後 皮膚組織隨著雌性肌膚減少出現衰退 最讓人頭痛的是 女性進入更年期後 皮膚的顆粒層可能出現萎縮 甚至於消失 棘細胞的大小也會隨著改變 生存期也相對縮短 表皮細胞核分裂增加 並且黑色素也增多 並讓老年女性肌膚變得灰暗無光。所以女性一到更年期 肌膚就會變成棕黑色 由於老化細胞附著於表皮角質層 使皮膚表面變硬 失去了往日滋潤的感覺 這一切皮膚問題的出現大都源於女性卵巢的萎縮,雌性激素分泌減少,女性一旦進入更年期,應該根據這一時期生理特點進行皮膚護理,如補充油脂的護理等,使女 性的肌膚能依然保持柔軟和富有彈性。更年期特別護理霜

How to use:

A rich hydrating and lifting cream that uses Maeseondan™ to help the skin regain moisture and elasticity for a firmer and younger look

Nutrient-rich lifting line for women in their 50s and 60s

Nutrient-rich lifting line for women in their 50s and 60s

Rich moisturizing and lifting cream for correcting signs of aging, including loss of elasticity and skin dryness . Containing a high concentration of nutrient-rich components, the special texture helps the skin maintain firmness and smoothness even overnight.

Korean herbal medicine complex for skin lifting, Maeseondan™ and Ginger extracts

While boosting the efficacies of coumestrol (CMS), a skin firming component found in Bean Leaves extracts, by ten times, Sulwhasoo combines it with licorice and Ginkgo leaves to create Maeseondan™, which helps increase skin firmness. The Ginger extracts in the cream also bring out the skin’s healthy glow.

Delivering positive energy with Plum Blossom fragrance

The subtle fragrance of White Plum Blossom delivers rejuvenating positive energy.

Goa-up massage, a beauty ritual by using the Goa Line

Skincare method for areas with visible signs of aging such as skin around the eyes, cheeks, and chin by using simple, easy massage movement


  • Preparation Action

    Hold up the joint of the thumb to form a shape for an effective massage.

  • Elasticity Care for Chin Skin

    ① Slightly raise the chin and steadily press the concaved area on the center of the chin with your thumbs for 3 seconds.

    ② Press the acupoints on the back of the ears for 3 seconds.


  • Elasticity Care for Cheek Skin

    ① Press on the sides of the nose for 3 seconds and sweep upward, starting from skin under the cheekbone and working upward to the center of the ears.

    ② Press the center of the ears for 3 seconds as a finishing touch.


  • Elasticity Care for Skin Around the Eyes

    ① Press the areas under the eyes for 3 seconds and sweep upward, starting from the upper area of the cheekbones and working up to the tails of the eyes.

    ② After sweeping to the tails of the eyes, press the area for 3 seconds.


  • Elasticity Care for Forehead Skin

    ① Steadily press the area between the eyebrows for 3 seconds.

    ② Steadily press the area between the eyebrows and up to the center of the forehead for 3 seconds.


  • Finishing Care

    Sweep downward starting from the center of the forehead, working along the contour of the face up to the clavicle area.



購物滿 $500 或以上, 可獲免費送貨服務,

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電話: 9374-5839

電郵: [email protected]













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Connie 扮靚小店專營韓國品牌雪花秀、Hera, Isa Knox ,Laneige、BB Cream 等, 美國品牌 Victoria's Secret, Bath & Body Works, 等,零售批發無任歡迎,


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